Title: Jirni # 2
Publisher: Aspen Comics
Written by: J.T. Krul
Pencils & Inks by: Michael St A. Maria, Mauricio Campetella
Colors by: John Starr
Letters by: Micah Myers
Cover by: Michael St A. Maria/Colors by John Starr
Variant Covers: V. Ken Marion/Colors by Wes Hartman, Randy Green/Colors by Erick Anciniera
Jirni Created by: J.T. Krul
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: The word balloons when so we can hear Ara’s thoughts are beautifully designed and colored.
Ara finds Kasper a d’jinn and Tongo his monster. Tongo now this is how to illustrate a strong powerful monster.
Torinthal controls not just one d’jinn but four. They all have different and beautifully designed outfits. The one d’jinn serves him willingly. The d’jinn are powerful so having four to do your bidding making Torinthal a man of very great power.
Ara has an airship. It is beautifully designed. Ara and her two new companions Kasper and Tongo are getting along and these three do make a powerful band.
Bonus Story! featuring Aspen Mascots “What Happens in the Future STAYS in the Future!” Writer Vince Hernandez, pencil & inks Joie Foster, colors Justice and letterer Micah Myers.
Sparkles the cat meets Wormier the worm and Griff the griffin. It starts out rough than they get along. The worm is still trying to use the time machine to somehow save the other worms. The art is cute and the story is short.

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