Title: Jimmy’s Bastards # 1
Publisher: After Shock Comics
Writer: Garth Ennis
Artist: Russ Braun
Colorist: John Kalisz
Letterer: Rob Steen
Cover A: Dave Johnson
Cover B: Russ Braun
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.aftershockcomics.com
Comments: Regent aka Jimmy is one suave agent. He has some weird opponents. These villainous opponents have a unique way of talking.
The art certainly does jump out at you. The villains are exciting while Regent stays calm in the face of danger.
James Regent is a lot like James Bond. The similarities are easy to see.
There are sexy situations so this is a mature title.
The art is solid, the lines clear and crisp. The shading is well done.
Th way the villains talk though is not explained. It is unique yes but also just plain weird and hard to understand what they mean.
James Regent is a man of confidence. He knows he is good because he is. The character is wonderful, he knows how to enjoy life while saving the world.
This secret agent comic is for those who enjoy action, excitement and thrills with a light hilarious twist to them.