Title: Infinite Seven # 3
Written by: Dave Dwonch
Drawn by: Arturo Mesa
Colored by: Geraldo Filho
Lettered by: Dave Dwonch
Cover: Arturo Mesa
Variant Covers by: Arturo Mesa, Josh Greathouse,
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: Two members of the team sit in a bar as one recounts a story about being in love. Sprite and some other guy who is nameless. He is a Moriarty yes the villain from Sherlock Holmes. This character of Moriarty/Holmes is interesting. What does he want out of life?
Melanie the new Smash’s friend is drawn so cute and with such long legs.
The new Smash aka Anthony is sent on a mission to kill Sandsnake. They do have a wild chase scene. The art is rough which suits the characters in this comic.
This issue does focus a little more but still, the story needs to be explained more.
Smash a boy thrown into the world of assassination makes the story interesting and fun as he does not fit in. He does, however, manage to get things done.