Title: In Bloom # 1
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Written by: Michael W. Conrad
Art by: John J. Pearson with Art Assists by Lola Bonato
Lettered by: Pat Brosseau
Cover by: John J. Pearson
Variant Covers by: John J. Pearson, Auson Sampson, Jae Lee & June Chung, Caleb Ady
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: www.boom-studios.com
Comments: People are blooming becoming part plant. Are they the next step in human evolution? Someone who does not like them is killing them off.
Cole and Pollack are the two detectives working on the case. Cole is a human and Pollack is a Bloomed human.
The Bloom is explained exactly what it is. It makes sense. This change has also changed society. The whole human race has changed and still is. The way people are treated has changed. There are a few other explanations for Bloom, but the main one seems best and right. Nature has blossomed in humans.
The art shows us a Bloomed human; basically, they are just part plants on the outside. It can be a small change or a large one.
Cole does not want to, change and he does not really like Bloomed, people but he puts up with them. He even has a pawhor that is one.
The story is slow and the characters do learn not a lot about them. Other than the two Cole and Pollack you meet no other characters that are the main ones to the story.