RICH REVIEWS: I’m A Mess: A Guide To A Messy Life

Title: I’m A Mess: A Guide To A Messy Life (GN)
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios/Maverick
Written/Illustrated/Cover Artist by: Einat Tsarfati
Translated from Hebrew by: Annette Appel
Price: $ 14.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: The art style is simple and fun. The facial expressions are wonderfully done. The art clearly shows that messes do exist.
Chapter 1: Why is Being Messy a Problem?
Being messy leads to a lot of money and time being lost. All the time one spends looking for small items and having to replace them is a waste. Some people though are just messy.
Chapter 2: Are You Messy?
There are many types of messy people and how messy they are. They can also change what type they are.
Chapter 3: What Constitutes A Mess?
Messages can be both physical and emotional. Messes do accumulate over a lifetime.
Chapter 4: How to Deal with the Mess or: What Are You Up Against?
Here you see tips on making the mess less noticeable. These tips do work.
Chapter 5: How to Organize without Getting Organized?
Here the idea is to look at your mess and then deal with it, sort of.
Chapter 6: The Organized Ones.
Here we are shown the differences between an organized person and a messy one. The messy one does look like they are a lazy person.
Chapter 7: The Evolution Advantages of Being Messy?
Messy people have the superpower to put up with a mess around them and work around it.
Chapter 8: When do I Need to give In?
Here are great easy suggestions to help you be less messy.
Chapter 9: Salvation.
Yes, you can tidy up but do not waste all your time on it. It’s natural to have some mess in your life so enjoy it.

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