Title: Highlight # 1
Publisher G-Man Comics
Story, and Art by: Gilbert Monsanto
Letters by: Eric N. Bennett
Cover by: Gilbert Mansanto
Variant Cover by: Gilbert Monsanto
Price: $ 10.00 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.G-Man-Comics.com
Comments: Highlight is the main character and his introduction leaves you wondering who or what he is. The story immediately grabs your attention having you want to know more.
Highlight is in a place devoid of life save for one. A man lashes out in frustration.
Highlight summons Stellarex and Rapture his servant why though? Why is Stellarex upset by this and having his servant attack? The fight is not fully explained. All three characters are not explained enough as to why they are doing what they are doing or who they are.
Highlight and Rapture find themselves in another reality why did they decide to go there? There the Keepers made up of Nebulight, Superiora, the Specimen, and Hathor have a world under their thumbs. Highlight and Rapture call upon heroes Taranis, Zethorus, the Silver Saint, Heidi the Valkyrie, Sunhawk, Shazrath, Velocitygirl they are the Pantheons. One team faces another. This issue sets up what is to come.
The back of the book does fill you in about the characters in this book, you get a profile page on each. The characters are heavy hitters and in this cosmic scene unfolding they do provide a great set up for when battles come.
The art is outstanding on the pin-up pages and throughout the story. The story though needs more of a focus as to what is going on and why; and why is Highlight doing what he is?