Title: Heroineburgh Comics # 1
Publisher: Heroinebourgh Comics
Creator, Writer, and Editor: Manny Theiner
Artist and Letterer: Benjamin Zeus Barnett
Front Cover and Character Art: Jason Wright
Back Cover Pinup: Marcel Walker
Price: $ 9.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.heroineburgh.com
Comments: “Cathedral of Shadows” Here Arcana, Lunessa, and Etherea form the Dark Dominion a part of the Pittsburgh Heroine League. Mesmera is illustrated looking very beautiful and sensual. She has a plan that involves Arcana.
A lot of the art has the characters just standing around. Lunessa and Etherea find working together to work well. They show how using their powers together can save the day. The story ends yet does not really finish.
The art needed to show the nightmarish creatures much better and to have shown them as more of a threat. More excitement was needed. Also the characters we learn very little about each one and the more you know about them the more you will care about them.
“Pick On Someone Your Own Size!” X-Mechina is shown working on a past project. Now in the future, we see Serpenta and she is up to no good. X-Machina finds herself in a hard-hitting battle. Artica joins the fight and uses her powers well. It is a great short battle.
The super-heroines here are new and fresh. They are beautiful resourceful women on the side of justice.