Title: Heroes & Villains (Hardcover)
Publisher: Smith Street Books
Author: Andrew Boyle
Pages: 264
Price: $ 19.99 US, $ 26.95 Can
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.smithstreetbooks.com
Comments: The Introduction lets us know Andrew Boyle is not just the author but also the photographer for this book. These pictures are from the New York Comic Con.
What is cosplay? It is when a person dresses in a costume portraying a character from comic books, TV, movies, anime or video games. Some cosplayers are very passionate about what they do.
“Capes & Cowls” This chapter has many pictures of cosplayers in costume. There is a variety of various super-heroes and both male and females. They will play characters too with different twists involved. The photos here are of cosplayers that are not the famous ones but more everyday people who just have fun. There are mash ups to such as Ronald McDonald and Thor to create McThor and others. Some gender bender which means you cosplay as a character of the opposite sex.
“The Assembly of Rogues” The villains, the ones you love to hate are so much fun. Many people love them almost as much as the heroes or just as much and maybe even more. There are so many great villains to dress up as Joker, Red Skull, Scarecrow.
“Legends of Anime & Manga” Japanese cartoons and comic books provide a fertile landscape of characters for cosplayers. Also in this book, the cosplayers do not go overboard in showing skin and concentrate on the costume itself.
“Realms of Screen & Sound” Here we see movies, TV series and music provide inspiration for cosplaying. Star Wars is popular for providing inspiration, Disney animated shows to plus a lot of older movies.
“Cartridge Crusaders” Pokemon, Assassin’s Creed, Mario Brothers all give cosplayers characters to choose from plus many many more games. Overwatch and Metroid both have provided inspiration for great cosplays.
One of the things that comes across is that cosplayers, in general, are an open friendly group of people. They love what they do and enjoy entertaining others. The people pictured herein are to be admired for doing what they do.