Title: Harrow County # 28
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Script: Cullen Bunn
Art, Lettering and Cover: Tyler Crook
“Tales of Harrow County”: Script Rhiannon Rasmussen-Silverstein, Art Chrstianne Goudreau
“Emmy” Pin-up: Peter Huestis
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.darkhorsecomics.com
Comments: Kammi and Emmy are two sides of a two-headed coin. They have their differences though. They look at the world around them differently.
The art is outstanding. These are two young girls but they are so much more and the art brings that out. These sisters do go at it and get into an all-out fight.
The dragonflies are drawn to show their menacing nature. Kammi covered in blood is a terror to behold. Emmy though in her own way is the most frightening of them all.
Hester though now she will make you shiver.
“Tales of Harrow County: The Radio” This story is all about a radio and the woman who listens to it. Not much happens in this short tale.