Title: Harrow County # 23
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Script: Cullen Bunn
Art, Lettering and Cover: Tyler Crook
“Tales of Harrow County” Script and Art: Chris Schweizer
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.darkhorsecomics.com
Comments: Lady Lovey is buried but for most people, it is out of fear. Few actually mourn her passing.
The art illustrating the Cottonmouth snakes brings out their evil.
Bernice and Emmy are friends but when some doubt is cast, Bernice begins to doubt her friend. Will it turn them against each other?
Harrow County is a place of ancient magics. As you read these pages some of that may just rub off on you. Cullen Bunn and Tyler Crook have a way of bringing the unknown mysteries to life.
“Tales of Harrow County: The Possum Lady” One mysterious superstition may be ridiculous, while another may not. The Possum Lady here is a nice old lady who loves to use blackmail to get money. So actually she is not all that nice. She does fit in in Harrow County.