Title: Harrow County # 21
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Script: Cullen Bunn
Art, Lettering and Cover: Tyler Crook
“Tales of Harrow County” Script: Tyler Crook
“Tales of Harrow County” Art: Aud Koch
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.darkhorsecomics.com
Comments: Even Emmy can be afraid. Emmy lives in Harrow County and she may be its most powerful person there but she is still just a young girl. She is a friendly caring person but get on her bad side and she will be your greatest nightmare come to life. In Harrow County sometimes that is what is needed to survive.
The art is subdued and the atmosphere is a setting of quite ominous terror.
So in this place of quite evil a hunter has arrived. Now all the monsters are scared. What does it take to scare a monster? Who hunts the monsters?
Emmy is an amazing character who is both kind and frightening.
This series will have you looking under your bed at night and even in the day.
“Tales of Harrow County: Priscilla” Gorgeous frightening art on the haint this little guy is no saint. Priscilla is a monster but one that can taker care of bigger monsters. Viciousness lives here in this creatures heart and in the beating heart it holds in its hands.