Title: Handbook of the G-Man Universe # 10 Fall 2024
Publisher: G-Man Comics
Story by: Rik Offenberger
Cover by: Gilbert Monsanto
Superheroes Created by: Eric N. Bennett, Bill Treadwell, Rik Offenberger, Rodney Lockett, Michael Shorkey, James Damant, Nicholas Crenshaw, Len Mihalovich, Sidney Osinga
Art by: Chris Malgrain, Gilbert Monsanto, Joshua 1:9 Holley, Lea Gaston, Cody Conyers, Fish Lee, Travis Cardenas, Ron Williams, Luis Rivera and Victor Raniery, Lee Gaston, Phil Miller and Roberto Campus
Price: $ 10.00 US
Rating:4 out of 5 stars
Website: g-man-comics.com/
Comments: All-American Kid is a young crimefighter and illustrated very nicely to bring that fact across. He is a youthful young man who depends on his skills to fight crime.
Borrum is the God of the Wind. He has a relatively simple outfit. His expression is youthful.
Branwen is the Goddess of Beauty. She is illustrated as a beauty too.
Each character has a one-page write-up and one illustration. These do give you a good idea about each character.
Caduceus is a superhero doctor. Her battlesuit is made to help those in need of medical attention.
Chartreuse Spinner is not shown wearing a superhero costume yet she does have certain abilities. She works for the U.S. Marshal’s and is a Deputy.
Claymore is a Soldier of Fortune with a hate for America. He is a man on a mission.
Crime Smasher is a man out of his time who uses his powers to protect the innocent.
Danu or Gaea is the Goddess of Life. She is illustrated in a lovely blue dress. She is vastly powerful.
Diamond is drawn with muscles and looks like a bruiser. He uses his powers to defend others. He is a member of the First Guard.
Enea is the Goddess of Governance. She is illustrated as a regal figure.
The Fighting Yank looks ready to fight. He is a patriotic hero. His costume grants him certain powers.
Firebomb has control over fire and he can generate it and use it in a variety of ways both offensively and defensively.
Flower Girl is a magical being connected to plants. She looks gorgeous in fishnets.
Gray Hornet is an agent for the F.B.I. and as the Gray Hornet has a battlesuit that lets him fly.
Janus are twins each possesses different abilities. They can switch back and forth so one or the other exists.
Lugh is the God of Justice. He possesses some magical weapons of great power in addition to his mental and physical powers.
Nite-Fall is a bat-like human with the number 12 symbol on his chest. He has a variety of powers from various night animals.
Old Lady ages very slowly. She knows how to fight and has many talents.
Terror Twins, here you have an adult and a kid superhero team.
Teutates looks like a knight in shining armor. This God believes in the people and their goodness.
Tikiman is a criminal who provides a nightclub for supervillains.
White Terror is a street-level hero that takes on street crime.
This is a comprehensive listing of several heroes and villains from the G-Man Universe. It infos you and will have you wanting to know more about these fantastic characters.