Title: Gregory Graves Book One: Interview With a Supervillain (GN)
Publisher: Starburns Industry Press
Writers: Dan Harmon, Eric M Esquivel
Artists: Brent Schoonover, Ted Naifeh
Price: $ 6.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.starburnsindustries.com/
Comments: A reporter, Mr. Chet Coleman is interviewing Mr. Gregory Graves a supervillain. The interview right from the start implies Mr. Coleman is Luminary a super-hero. Luminary and Gregory Graves are arch rivals.
These two characters are a play on Superman and Lex Luthor. The similarities are obvious.
Then this story takes a decidedly different turn. Luminary and Graves work together and it is Graves taking the lead he is not evil he just hates aliens on his planet. Graves is a focused man not evil even though his actions could be interpreted that way.
The story does draw you in and Graves does as well. He acts as is his nature. Things will keep surprising you the reader. You will not know what is coming next. This story goes off on its own and takes you with it.
The art is done well to suit the story. The two protagonists are both well shown and their relationship comes through in the story. By the end of this issue, you will be questioning your beliefs in your concepts of super-heroes and supervillains.
This is not your ordinary super-hero comic.