Title: Graveneye (GN)
Publisher: TKO Studios
Writer: Sloane Leong
Artist, Colorist, Letterer: Anna Bowles
Cover Design: Jared K. Fletcher
Price: $ 19.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: The art is black and white with a slight amount of color used. The art is simple enough yet the facial expressions are done well. The characters and especially the house are all wonderfully illustrated.
The story is narrated by the house which may be a living thing and Isla lives in it. Isla has a new maid. Marie. The house has looked out for Isla since she was a child in so many little ways. We hear the thoughts of the house, how it looks at everything around it, and all the people. The insight into how a house would actually think is so well done.
Isla is a huntress and a taxidermist adding her own personal touches.
The relationship between Isla and Marie grows bringing them closer. Marie marks the territory and Isla marks Marie. Hunter and prey do draw closer together. What comes next is unbelievable. Isle does let her full preditor out and Marie her prey.
So much does go on here with Isla and the house. The tribute to Marie is a beautiful one and also sad.
There is a huge battle with lots of fighting going back and forth. Lots of brutal action and yes blood is spilled.
The few characters within these pages are all well written and one you will remember yet the most intriguing one is not an actual person. The house is alive with a soul and mind of its own as it sits seeing all around and within. The house endures.

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