Title: Good (GN)
Publisher: NBM
Writers: FLuX, David Good
Artist: John Mallory
Price: $ 24.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.nbmpublishing.com
Comments: Here David Good recounts his origin and life’s story. David is a man from two worlds the tribe Yanomami from the Amazon rainforest and the modern-day world. David because of his looks does get bullied.
The look at the Amazon Jungle where the Yanomami live shows beautifully colored foliage, it looks like paradise. The tribe is shown as a friendly tribe. They live a simple life. Each time we are shown life with the tribe it is so loving and friendly.
The black and white art does have the people drawn flat-looking. It also has an outline drawn around all the characters.
For David and his siblings, his life changed as his mother decided to stay in the jungle as her husband went back to the city. David continues to have problems with his mother’s heritage being a part of who he is.
The parts of this comic about the Amazon and Davi’s mother are done in color, while the parts in the city about David are done in black and white.
The lack of David’s mother in his life has caused him so much pain and suffering. It has affected every aspect of his life. David has never forgiven her for leaving him. Her reasons were good and made sense. Yet to a little boy, they do not.
David finally decides to find his mother and it is a long trip by plane, boat, and land. He is determined though. As David gets close the foliage around him is in black and white but slowly it changes to color. The Amazon rainforest is a thing of beauty. The art here clearly conveys this.
When the mother and son meet it will bring tears to your eyes. This is so touching.