RICH REVIEWS: Go Go Power Rangers # 5

Title: Go Go Power Rangers # 5
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Written by: Ryan Parrott
Illustrated by: Dan Mora
Colors by: Raul Angulo
Letters by: Ed Dukeshire
Covers by: Dan Mora, Miguel Mercado
Variant Covers by: Michelle Wong, Natacha Bustos/Design by Dylan Todd, Audrey Mok
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: In the past, we see how Rita treats her greatest general. He does everything for her. He conquers worlds in her name. Rita shows him her gratitude.
Present time the Rangers are training with their Zords. They train hard but also have some fun.
It is great to see the mix of super-hero life and secret identity life. Bulk running for Homecoming King it would be so great if he won. We get to look at the relationships in the Rangers civilian lives and see they are just ordinary teenagers too.
Jason is feeling the hardship of being a leader. Can he lead and still be a friend? He wears a heavy red helmet more so than any other color.

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