Title: Geronimo Stilton Reporter # 1 “Operation: Shufongfong”
Publisher: Papercutz
Script by: Dario Sicchio
Art by: Alessandro Muscillo
Color by: Christian Allprandi
Lettering by: Maria Letizia Mirabella
Cover by: Alessandro Muscillo with colorist Christian Allprandi
Price: $ 9.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Websites: www.papercutz.com, http://www.geronimostilton.com
Comments: This issue is based on episode 1 of the Geronimo Stilton animated series “Operazione Shufongfong.”
Geronimo gets an interview with Prince Nogouda. Before the interview though Geronimo and his nephew Benjamin run into some excitement. They do get involved and are faced with action and danger.
Geronimo pursues his interview with the Prince all the way to Bandel. They have the most dangerous jungle in the world. At the Palace in the Bandel Jungle Geronimo and his family do find plenty of excitement.
Geronimo Stilton is a handsome intelligent mouse living in New Mouse City where he is the Editor-in-Chief of the Rodent’s Gazette. The story provides fun and adventure as he and his family travel to a far-off county to solve a mystery and crime. Geronimo is the type of mouse we all want to be. He is your average citizen who acts bravely when he has to. You will see aspects your yourself in him.