RICH REVIEWS: Geek-Girl # 4

Title: Geek-Girl # 4
Publisher: Markosia Enterprises
Writer: Sam Johnson
Artist: Carlos Granda
Colorist: Chunlin Zhao
Letterer: Paul McLaren
Cover by: Carlos Granda & Chunlin Zhao
Geek-Girl Created by: Sam Johnson
Price: $ 3.50 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: ,
Comments: The story does show Ruby and then some other characters just going about their day. One of those other characters Emma recently got electrical powers. Emma is illustrated in a revealing dress to show off her lovely body. Some of these characters are just here with no explanation as to who they are, maybe if you had read previous issues you might know who they are but not from this issue.
Geek-Girl is new to being a super-hero and unsure about what to do or if she even has what it takes. When innocents are in trouble though we see she reacts and flies into danger the true act of a hero.
The battle with Lightning Storm and Geek-Girl does not go how you might expect. Lightning Storm is one evil villain who will do whatever she wishes. Killing and maiming are not beyond her.
Geek-Girl well she is a cutely drawn super-hero. Is she really a super-hero though does she have what it takes to win a battle on her own. The poses could show off Geek-Girl’s body better and have her posed more heroically when in battle.
Geek-Girl is written as a wonderful person. This issue though has her evolving to become more to become the hero she can be.

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