RICH REVIEWS: Garfield: Unreality TV

Title: Garfield: Unreality TV (GN)
Publisher: KABOOM! Studios
Written by: Scott Nickel, Mark Evanier, Judd Winick
Illustrated by: Antonio Alfaro, Judd Winick
Lettered Judd Winick
Colored by: Lisa Moore
Cover by: Andy Hirsch
Garfield Created by: Jim Davis
Price: $ 9.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: “Unreality TV” Besides food what else does Garfield love well not much but TV is on that list. So when the TV blows its time to go shopping. The art is gorgeously done in the style your accustomed to for Garfield. Garfield and Odie at the TV store find themselves on one wild and crazy adventure. So many other stories are touched on here from literature to TV shows to comic books no one is safe.
Garfield and Odie are drawn so wonderfully as super-heroes. Garfield does manage to have the most awesome adventure in multiple dimensions of reality and still make it home in time to nap. He is one amazing cat.
“The Cat Burglars” Here we have a cat burglars stealing from nice people. Garfield is written to show he does care about others. He has as big a heart as his stomach. The art is gorgeously done showing off all the characters just how you would expect to see them.
“Dream Big” Garfield has such weird dreams. The art is overly cartoonish. Here we see just how much Garfield loves lasagna.
Vintage Attitude is a bunch of short cartoons of Garfield having fun as only he can.
Garfield is the most fun loving cat you will ever meet.

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