Title: Galaxafreaks: Dark Vibes # 1
Publisher: Galaxa Freaks
Writer/Artist/Cover: Andrew Pawley
Price: free
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: www.galaxafreaks.com
Comments: On the planet Noirville where the Darklings live they all get along. Well except for Meeko. Here we see racism. There is also a strong religious trend in the story.
The art is colorful and way out there.
Captain Yeah! is trapped. Fuzz-Muff!!! and his minions Acid Baff and Evil Eye attack Captain Yeah! Fuzz-Muff!!!’s plan is coming to a successful head. He has Captain Yeah! right where he wants him. Of course in this comic anything is possible in this cosmic story of cosmic being who seem on a different plane then any one else.
Now Meeko has problems and Captain Yeah! has problems. So what is going on now? What will happen next? Who can say as it is hard to guess what is coming next.
More focus in the story would be good. The art is over the top with a crazy look. The colors are amazing.