Title: Fun With Little Archie & Friends Special # 1
Publisher: Archie Comics
Stories by: Shannon Watters, J. Torres, Jamie L. Rotante
Art by: Erin Hunting, Adrian Ropp, Agnes Garbowska
Coloring by: Matt Herms
Lettering by: Jack Morelli
Main Cover: Erin Hunting
Variant Cover: Brittney Williams
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.archiecomics.com
Comments: “Reggie’s Game” Archie and his friends plap a role playing game and for a moment it seems as if it might be real. The art is cutely done with all the characters as children. It is written and illustrated for ayoung audience.
“Li’l Vixens” All the little girls gang on on Fangs the bully. One big bad bully does not stand a chance against the lil’ girls of Riverdale.
“Critter Junction” Is a nice relaxing video game were you immerse yourself in it. Of course for one player it turns out to be a lot more work then they wanted.
Sabrina with her magical goat does play a part in each of these stories. This goat enjoys cutting loose with its magic. It is a cute thing yet does create some chaos.
This is an all ages comic book that is geared toward a younger audience.