Title: Fun Adventure Comics # 4
Publisher: Will Lil Comics
Creator/Writer: John Michael Helmer
Artist: Luis Rivera
Colors/Lettering: Warren Montgomery
Cover Art by: Mark Stegbauer/Colors by Warren Montgomery
Price: $ 3.99 US, $ .99 US digital
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.warrenmontgomery.com
Comments: Here we start off with a gorgeous pin-up of the Girl Commandos. These three girls are beautiful warriors. Pin-up art by Luis Rivera and colors by Federico Sioc.
Girl Commandos in “Girl Power Times Three!” Beetle Girl, Flame Girl, and Miss Fury spring into action when a zombie is sighted. The zombie is Fantomah. The art is beautiful as it shows off these women. Miss Fury has a unique way of attacking. The Girl Commandos handle Fantomah in the best possible way. It is great to see a different approach to winning a battle.
The flashback comic book ads are wonderful to see. They appear just as they did years ago.
Kragor appears in “Guardian of the Tomb” story by Lloyd Smith, art by JP Dupas and lettered by David Vance.
Kragor and Dantar another barbarian join forces to enter a wizard’s tomb. The giant snake is illustrated with a flare to scare. The two thieves do meet the Guardians of the Tomb.
The Black Rose in “The Secret of the Topaz Tiara!” created and written by Lloyd Smith, drawn and lettered by David Vance and colored by Warren Montgomery. The Black Rose and her sidekick detective have some fun catching the bad guys. Rose is drawn cute in her skin-tight black outfit. This adventure is fun to follow along and you are sure to enjoy it.