RICH REVIEWS: Flash Gordon # 4

Title: Flash Gordon # 4
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Writer: Jeremy Adams
Artist: Will Conrad
Colorist: Lee Loughbridge
Letterer: Taylor Esposito
Covers: Will Conrad & Lee Loughridge, Frazer Irving
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Comments: Flash and Ming are on the run escaping Planet Death as they are being pursued. There is lots of shooting and maneuvering around as Flash flies and Ming shoots.
On an outlaw post Flash, Ming, and Daranek look for what they need to repair the ship. Ming leaves them and makes his way to see the mercenaries. Ming learns the hard way that things have changed more than he knew. An Empress now sits on his throne.
The repair robot aboard the ship finds a vial now what will it do with it?
As it so many times happens it is up to Flash to save Ming.
This issue lacks excitement, thrills, and chills and it just needs more to it. There is no character building. It would be nice to know more about what they plan. Yes, they escaped the prison planet so what next?
The art could show Ming as more evil than just another character in the story. Flash, yes, his hero side comes out. He is shown to trust Ming, and with their history, he should know better.
The robot is a nice addition and it does provide some mystery here. Flash and Ming together are something to see. They do it because they have no choice but it does not seem right. It does not work out too well.

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