RICH REVIEWS: Flash Gordon # 3

Title: Flash Gordon # 3
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Writer: Jeremy Adams
Artist: Will Conrad
Colorist: Lee Loughbridge
Letterer: Taylor Esposito
Covers: Will Conrad & Lee Loughridge, Frazer Irving
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: Ming had a different childhood upbringing. He had lots of brothers, none of whom he loved. Ming lived by the theory that brains are better than brawn. He does put the theory to the test. This shows Ming has been the same his whole life. He has always been merciless. Anyone in his way he will do whatever it takes to remove them.
In the present on Planet Death Flash is fighting for his life against a huge four armed green monster. Ming meanwhile is being Ming and merciless. Ming may be a prisoner here like Flash and he may be willing to work with Flash but you know he is working only for himself.
The art shows off a nicely designed spaceship. The people well Flash is not shown up close or very well at all. Ming looks good and he is shown in control. He manipulates everyone.
This issue has a big fight scene it is not choreographed to make it exciting. One guy lumbers around and one dodges. Not much of a battle.
The warden of Planet Death finds out his position is not as solid as he thought.
Flash and Ming end up working together for a mutual benefit. With these two together you know both are planning the others death. Who will survive?

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