RICH REVIEWS: Flare # 47 

Title: Flare # 47
Publisher: Heroic Publishing
Written by: Dennis Mallonee
Art by: Giancarlo Caracuzzo
Colors by: Flavia Caracuzzo
Letters by: Dick O’Malley
Cover Illustration by: Mark Beachum
Price: $ 4.99 US, $ 5.75 Can
Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
Comments: “The Challenge of the Gods!” Part One. Zeus wants Kalokairi as his Queen. The other Gods have had enough though so they stand united against him.
Nyx, Goddess of the Night has a dilemma. To stay living as a mortal woman and wife or be a Goddess.
The art is to indistinct. The colors look way to pasty.  The people really do need more detail to them. Faces are drawn with just a couple lines on them.
Flare is also Eos former Queen of Olympus. Now she is thrust into a challenge for the title of Queen of Olympus.  The Goddesses all stand around talking and talking. Well they do argue a little to.  There is no action here. There are no villains in this issue.
This issue basically is just about a bunch of women standing around chatting.
A lot more was expected from a Flare comic book.

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