Title: Faro # 5
Publisher: Faro Comics
Written by: Faro Kane
Produced by: Scott Levine
Artists: Emil Cabaltierra, Elvin Hernandez, Robb Epps, Emanuel Sotomayor
Cover by: Jose Varese
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: This comic starts off with Adam and Eve the first man and woman on Earth. They are just enjoying each others company. Then she strikes with her monster. The art here is gorgeous. The surprise in the story the way it twists is exciting.
The art is smudged looking on the farther away drawings.
Faro is written as a man of good character. He is a time traveler. Exactly what he is doing though is a bit of a mystery.
Abraham Lincoln is a prisoner of a man with evil intentions. He is the ruler of Mexico but plans to expand.
Miss Marigold is a buxom lass.
The scenes do jump around in time making it hard to follow everything.
Faro does end up in a huge battle to save himself. The action is hard and intense. Then it gets really intense and gory.
Master Wu leads the enemies of Professor Faro. Mistress is a love interest but one who looks out for herself.
Faro does have some great allies with Lincoln, the Mauler, and the Princess.
Faro‘s adventures are only starting. He is a fighter, time traveler, and maybe a world savior only time will tell.

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