Title: Faro # 4
Publisher: Faro Comics
Written by: Faro Kane
Produced by: Scott Levine
Artists: Pat Broderick, Steve Lydic, Robb Epps, Austin Brooks, Dragonfish, JC Bravo, Kenny Badana, Jesse Heagy
Cover by: Jose Varese
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: Annie a young girl we watch as she grows into the White Widow. She marries and gains wealth. She is illustrated as one sexy mistress. She studies the Black Arts and becomes more and more evil. She becomes Domina Palms a new member of the Circle.
Majesty and the members of her Circle are always scheming. She is in control though.
She is fully nude and leaves nothing to the imagination. Her cute look belies her evil nature. This illustration alone makes picking up this book worthwhile.
Rachel Rain a Comanche Hybrid is drawn using her blades and she is drawn using them to deadly effect.
Faro is shown as a man of action. His part in this issue is small but exciting.
Beautiful women, excitement, and intrigue await you within these pages.

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