Title: Fantomah # 4
Publisher: Chapterhouse Comics
Written by: Ray Fawkes
Art by: Soo Lee
Colors by: Meagan Carter
Letters by: Andrew Thomas
Cover by: Djbril Morrisette
Edited by: Aaron Feldman
Fantomah Created by: Fletcher Hanks
Price: $ 3.99 US
Website: www.chapterhouse.ca
Comments: Fantomah is after the leader behind the kidnapping of children. Arturo knows Fantomah is coming and he gets ready. She attacks with blinding speed and surprise. A big fight ensues. Arturo it seems is also more than human.
Fantomah and Arturo do get into a battle with the lives of Fantomah’s family at stake. Fantomah comes up with the perfect way to fight this energy draining vampire.
Fantomah is a protector of children which makes her one of the good guys or gals. It is wonderful to see those who prey on children getting exactly what they deserve. There should be no pity for those people and justice for the children.
Fantomah’s adventures have just begun.