Title: Fantomah # 2
Publisher: Chapterhouse Comics
Written by: Ray Fawkes
Art by: Soo Lee
Colors by: Meagan Carter
Letters by: Andrew Thomas
Cover by: Djbril Morrisette
Edited by: Aaron Feldman
Fantomah Created by: Fletcher Hanks
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.chapterhouse.ca
Comments: Paz now can hear others in her head those who have lost a child in one way or another. A child who is in trouble or becoming a problem child. Paz hears all the cries for help.
Her dad shows up to help look for her missing sisters, his daughters. He shows up a day later. His daughters are missing and he takes a whole day to show up. Then he does not really seem to care about them. This guy seriously has something wrong with him.
Paz goes after her sisters on her own.
As Fantomah appears she is a vision of retribution. You wrong her and hers to pay the price. The use of colors gives her a frightening appearance.
Fantomah is out to do good. She does save others but at what price as Paz transforms to Fantomah she becomes way more than she was. How does this affect Paz?
Fantomah is a mysterious figure wrapped in a mystery of vengeance on those who would harm children.