Title: Faith’s: Winter Wonderland Special # 1
Publisher: Valiant Entertainment
Writer: Marguerite Sauvage
Artist: Francis Portela, M.J. Kim
Colors: Andrew Dalhouse
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist: Marguerite Sauvage
Variant Covers: Paulina Ganucheau, Sibylline Meynet, David Lafuente
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Website: www.valiantentertainment.com
Comments: This starts out like a fairy tale with Faith following Mr. Rabbit down the rabbit hole. Faith still has a mind/soul/spirit of a child. She has not been totally made into an adult. Faith still dreams. Which makes her perfect to help save a Wonderland in turmoil due to a crazed Queen.
The Pink Candy for Girls and the Blue Candy for Boys these two protectors of the Queen are something else. This is a story with imagination.
Faith uses the power of faith and imagination to get through to the evil Queen and to Alice as well. Both are so alike and more than they know.
Faith if you have not read her comics or know who she is you are in for a treat with this book. It will bring out the child in you and maybe a tear of joy to.