RICH REVIEWS: Faith and the Future Force # 3 

Title: Faith and the Future Force # 3
Publisher: Valiant Entertainment
Writer: Jody Houser
Artists: Diego Bernard with Juan Castro and Cary Nord with Brian Thies
Colors: Ulises Arreola
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Covers: Audrey Mok, Mike Norton with Allen Passalaqua, Doug Paskiewicz with Erika Rolbiecki, Afua Richardson
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: The heroes so many of them and even different versions make a valiant attempt to stop Do-Bot. Do-Bot is so powerful.
Our heroes battle on so many against just one robot. Then we reset yet again. The story starts over can Neela and Faith plus company save the world and everything?
Here Faith shows why she is a hero. It is not just about beating things up it is about using your head. Faith has the start of a plan.
This issue things do go slowly but the story is built upon. The art is there but nothing outstanding. We are shown many heroes.
Faith, Neela, and Ank all do stand ready to do whatever it takes. Title: Faith and the Future Force # 3
Publisher: Valiant Entertainment
Writer: Jody Houser
Artists: Diego Bernard with Juan Castro and Cary Nord with Brian Thies
Colors: Ulises Arreola
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Covers: Audrey Mok, Mike Norton with Allen Passalaqua, Doug Paskiewicz with Erika Rolbiecki, Afua Richardson
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: The heroes so many of them and even different versions make a valiant attempt to stop Do-Bot. Do-Bot is so powerful.
Our heroes battle on so many against just one robot. Then we reset yet again. The story starts over can Neela and Faith plus company save the world and everything?
Here Faith shows why she is a hero. It is not just about beating things up it is about using your head. Faith has the start of a plan.
This issue things do go slowly but the story is built upon. The art is there but nothing outstanding. We are shown many heroes.
Faith, Neela, and Ank all do stand ready to do whatever it takes.

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