Title: Eden’s Fall # 3
Publisher: Top Cow/Minotaur
Created by: Matt Hawks & Rahsan Ekedal
Writers: Matt Hawks & Bryan Hill
Artist: Atilio Rojo
Colorist: K. Michael Russell
Letterer: Troy Peteri
Cover A: Rahsan Ekedal
Cover B: Linda Sejic
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.topcow.com
Comments: The FBI operatives had one of their own get killed in Eden now a CIA agent is going to get even for it.
Samaritan the FBI unofficial operative is not doing to well. Both the story and art will have you feeling sorry for her. She is drawn with beautiful sad blue eyes.
Mr. Thornton faces the CIA assassin. His look of rage is realistic. You can feel his hate coming right out of the page.
Mark makes a small appearance. He is a great character but already the main character in “Postal” so he is not used much here.
Dwayne does what he thinks is right. He is right to. He gets justice and helps Samaritan aka Sam.
Eden is more or less left as it started. A quiet town for those who want to disappear.