RICH REVIEWS: Edenfrost # 1

Title: Edenfrost # 1
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Writer: Amit Tishler
Artist/Colorist: Bruno Frenda
Letterer: Taylor Esposito
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: Yuli, Alex, and Igor are the only three to survive the massacre of a village. The kids run away. Igor is found by the Russian military. The two children brother and sister encounter what attacked the village. It is a frightening sight.
Yuli and Alex their whole world has changed in one night. Everything is different and they must fight to survive.
The story starts out going one way leading you along then it changes without really jumping out it sneaks in the change. Yuli and Alex do not come right out and tell you but it is strongly hinted that they had a lot to do with what happened in their village. The soldiers of which there are two sets at first are not fully explained and then we slowly learn what they did.
The creature as well as the story goes is slightly explained. It is a big rock monster.
Yuli and Alex are siblings and you can easily see how much they love each other. They stay together as they flee. Seeing these young children remembering lessons from their parents and counting on each other is emotional as both know they have lost everything except each other.

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