RICH REVIEWS: Eden Untamed Planet Episode Six – Alaska: Last American Frontier

Episode Six – Alaska: Last American Frontier
Air Date: Saturday, August 28 at 8 pm ET/9c on BBC America and AMC+

Narrated by: Helena Bonham Carter
Produced and Directed by: Emma Fraser
Film Editors: Mark Fox, Bobby Sheikh
Inside Eden Edit  Sarah Bright
Cinematography: Luke Barnett, Taylor Turner, Shane Moore
Assistant Producer & Inside Eden Edit Producer: Jo Avery
Assistant Producer: Libby Prins
Researchers: Oscar Furness, Nathalie Dohrn
Archive Researchers: Lawrence Breen, Ellie Ryder, Charlie Hearst

Run Time: 54 min, 07 sec
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: Alexander Archipelago is a frozen frontier of North America. The opening sequence shows so many animals in their natural habitat. These animals are majestic.
Grizzly Bears wake up hungry, watching them is great as they eat. In a family, a mother and her two cubs enjoy feeding with only a short interruption. These bears are just enjoyable to watch.
The water is teaming with life. Lots of fish, birds, and whales. The Grey Whales come here to feed. These mammals are a sight you are sure not to soon forget.
In the rainforest, you see many species. Here you can also see the magnificent Aurora Borealis. The Flying Squirrels as they launch themselves and glide from tree to tree it is amazing to watch. Below ground, a specular thing is happening.
Pacific Salmon gather here with one of the largest gatherings in the world. The bears visit their spawning grounds. A mother is shown caring for her cub. The cub is learning how to fish as well. The Burying Beetle looks evil.
The moose are big at around 1500 pounds and the antlers are gigantic. A young moose watches and learns about mating. The young one proves he is smart.
The Bald Eagle now these birds are outstanding.
The bears are filmed at night and the way it looks will have you mesmerized by the screen.
Changes do threaten the environment. Yes humans but also the planet itself. These beautiful creatures face hardships yet they do survive.
The film crew did face threats from bears. They did not have any guns only bear spray.
The land here is so beautiful with the mountains and lakes. The open skies provide so much beauty. It would be easy to get lost here in the splendor.

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