Title: Don’t Spit in the Wind # 1
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Writer & Artist: Stefano Cardoselli
Colorist & Letterer: Dan Lee
Cover Artist: Stefano Cardoselli
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.madcavestudios.com
Comments: This story is about Travis a Garbage Man. Now one outpost Unit 6 stops answering calls.
We see even on a planet of garbage love blooms. Travis and Cassandra are in love. Two people working shitty jobs still manage to find love it is wonderful to see.
The art style is crowded but it works well. Travis is shown as just a guy doing his job. So he is looking for Unit 6, McGlusky. He does run into some danger while searching. The swarm does not seem overly deadly but looks can be deceiving.
It is nice to follow along with Travis a normal man. Yet when it comes to playing hero he continues.
This issue sets up a mystery that is only mentioned so we get no clues as to what caused it.
Travis is your average nine to fiver doing a job he is good at but does not fully enjoy. Cleaning up after others is never easy. Cleaning up radioactive waste is even harder.
Travis, you will identify with.