Title: Dollface St. Patrick’s Day Special # 1
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Created & Story by: Dan Mendoza & Bryan Seaton
Cover: Mendoza
Variant Covers: Mendoza, Marcelo, Bill McKay
Scripted by: Dan Mendoza
Drawn by: Marcelo Trom
Colors by: Valentina Pucci
Lettered by: Adam Wollet
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: You get a living doll, a ghost, a blue haired roommate and a leprechaun what more could you ask for.
The leprechaun has a hammer, while Lila has firepower. This fight is going the leprechaun’s way until they change locations. Then its Riverdance stomping time. Lila really can get down and dirty and down right mean. Wait till you see the expression on her face. The little ghost, Ivan is a cute character to have around and makes a great sidekick.
We are left with a mystery as in who is Melora? Why does Lila hate her? The other message is, do not fool with Lila or you to will have your lucky charms handed to you.