RICH REVIEWS: Doctor Who: Revolution of the Daleks

Doctor Who: Revolution of the Daleks
Jodie Whittaker as the Doctor in Doctor Who.
Ryan (Tosin Cole), Yasmin (Mandip Gill), and Graham (Bradley Walsh) as the companions.
Producer: Alex Mercer
Director: Lee Haven Jones
Written by: Chris Chibnall
Airs Friday, January 1, 2021, at 8 pm ET/PT. With the Doctor locked away in a high-security alien prison with no hope of escape, Yaz, Ryan, and Graham are far away on Earth and having to carry on with their lives without her. However, they soon discover a disturbing plan forming. A plan which involves a Dalek. How can you fight a Dalek without the Doctor? Even with Captain Jack’s help, the gang is set to face one of their biggest and most frightening challenges yet. Guest starring: John Barrowman, Chris Noth, Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, and Dame Harriet Walter.
Run Time: 1 hr, 11 min, 40 sec
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: Explosive action as a Dalek is on the attack. The way the scenes have huge word headings before them is strange and unusual yet it fits right in with the show and the way it is being presented.
The start here sets up for more to come. A found Dalek is put to use. This is not how anyone on Earth would want it to be used, especially the Doctor.
Meanwhile, the Doctor is in jail 70 billion light-years away. Meanwhile, her companions have another Tardis? How did that happen? The Doctor gets a visitor while in jail Captain Jack Harkness and things move fast and the jail visit is no longer a jail visit. It would have been better though to have the Doctor break out it is disappointing how it is handled.
It is nice to see the Doctor back in her Tardis. It does look a bit different. As the Doctor reunites with the companions it is a heartfelt moment sort of. Then it’s straight to work with the mention of the word Dalek.
The Doctor knows dealing with Daleks is wrong. Here we see the body and the brain separate. If and when they reunite though the evil will be reborn. You can feel it building towards this.
The Doctor actually has doubts. She needs advice on her life from Ryan a companion and friend.
The sound of a Tardis arriving is one of hope. That is still here and always such a delight to hear and see as it materializes and you know everything is going to be alright. Then the Daleks start to exterminate.
The Doctor was unsure of herself until she remembers one thing yes it’s a huge one it is the fact that she is The Doctor and nothing more needs to be said. The Doctor is doing what she does best saving lives.
Daleks do have a way of making you focus on the screen.
The Doctor does have a plan. She always ends up having a plan.
Here maybe for the first time we see that the Doctor is an alien yet she is all human in her feelings. It is a very emotional ending and very human.

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