Title: Doctor Who FCBD
Publisher: Titan Comics
Writer: Dan Watters
Artist: Kelsey Ramsay
Colorist: Valentina Bianconi
Letterer: Richard Starkings of Comicraft
Price: free
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.titan-comics.com
Comments: The Doctor and Ruby Sunday are hearing a sound in the space-time vortex as they travel in the Tardis. Is the sound dangerous of course, are they going to check it out of course they are. Off to 1739, they go. On the way, we see some places where the Doctor fought what is his greatest evil opponents.
In 1739 Dick Turpin is better equipped than he should be. He is an outlaw and has the law after him.
The person or being behind the scream well he is a bit of a mystery. His collection is both weird and frightening.
The Doctor looks just like the after and Ruby looks plain and her eyes have too much black around them. Her nylons look more like wool leggings. The two are in character and act how you would expect them to.
The Doctor and his companion provide a fun exciting adventure. You will be thrilled and perhaps have a laugh or two as you enjoy the adventure.