Title: Displaced # 3
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Written by: Ed Brisson
Illustrated by: Luca Casalanguida
Colored by: Dee Cunniffe
Lettered by: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Main Cover by: Luca Casalanguida with Colors by Dee Cunniffe
Variant Covers by: DeClan Shalvey, Luca Casalanguida, Vincenzo Riccardi
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: out of 5 stars
Website: www.boom-studios.com
Comments: In Port Perry, Ontario a robbery goes off only the take is next to nothing. Four people need money to survive.
Whitby, Ontario Gabby is missing her family, her emotions are strong. The art shows this as well through her tears and the way she moves. Harold is the man who seems to remember best what is happening although that is changing. These people are survivors. What exactly is it they are survivors of? Yes, their city disappeared but why? The mysteries do have you guessing.