RICH REVIEWS: Die Kitty Die: Hollywood or Bust # 4

Title: Die Kitty Die: Hollywood or Bust # 4
Publisher: Chapter House Comics
Story & Art: Dan Parent & Fernando Ruiz
Inks: Rich Koslowski
Colors: Glenn Whitmore
Letters: Janice Chiang
Additional Art: J. Bone & Gisele Lagace
Cover: Dan Parent
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Comments: The first chapter in this issue uses a retro style art. Kitty is drawn so cutely as a space girl. The rest of the art is good with a funny side to its take on movies and sit-coms.
Chapter two continues with the making of Kitty’s movie that seems less and less about her. We finally meet the backer and who he is is a surprise. The art is good but it is not used to show off Kitty at all or really anyone that much. This chapter is boring.
Chapter three has all the players showing up and sets up for the final showdown. Kitty is illustrated in a dress that shows off her ample breasts.
Chapter four has kitty facing the Hexecutioner again. This battle leads Kitty to come up with a better way to end it.
After the story there are lots of gorgeous pin-up pages, these are filled with wonderful art from many guest artists.
Kitty is a great character just here she needs to be put to better use.

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