Title: Die Kitty Die: Hollywood or Bust # 2
Publisher: Chapter House Comics
Story & Art: Dan Parent & Fernando Ruiz
Inks: Rich Koslowski
Colors: Glenn Whitmore
Letters: Janice Chiang
Additional Art: J. Bone & Gisele Lagace
Cover: Fernando Ruiz
Variant Cover: Dan Parent
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.chapterhouse.ca
Comments: “Freaked Out!” Here Kitty is a pre-teen going to a special camp. Kitty makes some unique friends at camp. They do start to bond.
“Axe Me Later” The Carneys just happen along to help out Kitty with the Hexacutioner. He is not so fearsome here. The Carneys are illustrated beautifully to show off each one’s uniqueness.
The two-page Kitty’s Hollywood Hangout pin-up is filled with weird muscular guys.
“Fame Game!” Katty Kitty’s cousin makes her appearance. She is illustrated as one sexy girl but she is not so nice. Katty is naughty while Kitty is nice.
“The Boob Tube!” Katty and Kitty are cousins but they are nothing alike other than both have big boobs. Katty knows what she wants and she goes for it and watch out for anyone in her way. Katty is a vampire like witch, which makes her a match for Kitty the witch.
Dan Parent has lots to offer at www.danparent.com He is so talented.
www.ma3comic.com , www.pixietrixcomix.com are places to go for free online comics and more.
Gisele Lagace and David Lumsdon have some gorgeous art of two Eerie Cuties. You can see more of it at www.eeriecuties.com . Gisele knows how to draw a cute sexy girl and a vampire cutie by her is a beautiful sight.
www.fernandoruizeverybody.com another site with gorgeous artwork. He knows how to draw monsters and babes.
The Carneys in “Sideshow Shenanigans”. Here are two cute stories about the Carneys that are sure to make you smile.
Kitty is a wonderful witch and she does have lots of fun in her adventurous life.