Title: Conan: The Barbarian # 16
Publisher: Titan Comics
Writer: Jim Zub
Artist: Doug Braithwaite
Colorist: Diego Radriguez
Letterer: Richard Starkings, Comicraft’s Tyler Smith
Cover: Colleen Doran
Variant Covers: Mr. Werewolf, Doug Braithwaite, Colleen Doran
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.titan-comics.com
Comments: Conan sits deep in thought. What does he believe in? He remembers his encounter with Atali the Goddess.
In this issue, we learn about how Cimmerians view Crom. We take a look back at Conan’s childhood.
Conan in the present finds himself attacked by another warrior. He has a grudge against Conan. The two battle in a brutal confrontation. These are two hard men each thinking they are right. Who wants it the most and which is stronger and the better fighter?
Conan’s encounter with Atali changes his beliefs about the Gods. He now believes in them and his God Crom.
The art showcasing this cold bleak land is presented as a place to live and survive in. The warriors are all hard men ready to fight if needed and it often is. Conan fits in with them. He though is not of their tribe, he is Cimmerian. Here he stands alone now as he so often has.
Conan does impress without trying to.