Title: Conan: The Barbarian # 15
Publisher: Titan Comics
Writer: Jim Zub
Artist: Robert De La Torre
Colorist: Diego Radriguez
Letterer: Richard Starkings, Comicraft’s Tyler Smith
Cover: Mahmud Asrar
Variant Covers: Jessica Fong, Doug Braithwaite, Fernando Dagnino
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.titan-comics.com
Comments: In the frozen wastes Conan battles for his life. He is drawn as a raggedy warrior. He fights against a cold warrior. Conan is shown as a man who never gives up.
A woman appears to Conan and by her actions and words, it is easy to see she is more than just a woman. Her brothers attack Conan and it is a hard-fought battle. They as well are more than just men. Their blue skin testifies to this.
This reprint story is very well done.
Conan may very well have met Ymir’s daughter. She is a cold beauty. She seeks to control Conan but finally realizes Conan will never give in to her. Conan did want her, lusting after her. She just wanted companionship so she is not evil just lonely.
Conan will always be a fighter. Whether it is against magic or brute force. His strong sword arm will always be swinging.