Title: Compu-M.E.C.H. # 1 (Black and White Edition)
Publisher: Monolith Comics
Creator/Writer/Artist: Theodore Raymond Riddle
Editor-in-Chief: Richard Vasseur
Assistant Editor: Melissa Riddle
Price: $ 12.99 US, $ 19.99 Can
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.monolithcomics.com
Comments: Tommy is a man in love with Lesa. He does want things just handed to him yet he is still willing to work for them. He is shown as being jealous of those who work at the lab where he is a janitor. He is your average guy wanting more out of life.
The black and white art does hi-lite Tommy’s expressions. Tommy does have some nicely drawn muscularity. The M.E.C.H. unit is a big impressive machine.
As Tommy is in the lab something extraordinary happens. This was not planned and it will change his life forever.
The backgrounds are drawn with lots of detail. The jets look amazing in their design.
M.E.C.H. is one impressive creation. He does see action here and it gets explosive. M.E.C.H. when he goes into action it is decisive.
This comic does deliver the perfect blending of human and machine. It has exciting action scenes and mystery, drama, and love between Tommy and Lesa.
The corporate villain is one evil man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Tommy and M.E.C.H. are in deadly danger and it is only going to get worse. He is coming for them.