RICH REVIEWS: Church of the Broken Soul

Title: Church of the Broken Soul
Publisher: James Rubino
Created/Written/Illustrated by: James Rubino
Price: $ 3.00 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Comments: This is a religious book about God and you. Here God is referred to as Yahweh the Hebrew name of God. Men in general are put down as dinners but can still find forgiveness through God.
The art style has the drawings done in a broken line format. The art is extremely vague as well.
The comic focuses on a man and him wanting redemption. The story telling is fragmented. The story does not flow well at all, it is written in parts that seem broken up.
The message of God does not come across well here. Your left wondering what was the purpose of this comic? The message of God is a good one and it is something for those who want to read about it, they should.

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