Title: Chloe # 2 (GN)
Publisher: Charmz
Story: Greg Tessier
Art and Color: Amandine
Cover: Amandine
Translation: Joe Johnson
Lettering: Bryan Senka
Price: $ 9.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: Chloe’s first day back at school starts out all wonderful. The exaggeration pin-up is a gorgeous piece of art.
Chloe decides to help out a group of young graders at school. Now, this leads to Chloe becoming obsessed with her blog. Everyone but her can see she is spending way to much time on it. This may cost her big time.
Chloe and her friends join together to fight a bully. It turns out even the underdogs can have their day. Bullying is wrong and it is wonderful to see those who stand up to it and fight back.
The school is having a skiing trip. Chloe is shown apprehensive about the trip.
The pin-up art between the chapters is so gorgeous. Chloe is a cute teen. All the art looks amazing throughout this comic.
Chloe after being so worried about going on the trip but she finds herself enjoying it. She and her friends make some new friends.
Following Chloe, as she lives her life to the fullest is a fun existing experience. Chloe is a delight.

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