RICH REVIEWS: Chastity # 1

Title: Chastity # 1
Publisher: Dynamite
Written by: Leah Williams
Art by: Daniel Maine
Colored by: Bryan Valenza
Lettered by: Carlos M. Mangual
Covers: Clayton Crain, Nick Bradshaw, Jay Anacleto, and Rain Beredo, Catherine Nodet, David Nakayama
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Comments: Chastity in action does cut loose. She is illustrated as a Gothic half-vampire/half-human. we are given a quick rundown on her abilities. She is drawn looking fairly plain. She hunts vampires but the question and mystery is why? In the fight, the action is drawn lifeless. Some impact to the strikes is needed.
Chastity while at an audition finds things not going as expected. Chastity is illustrated way to normal. Her Gothic outfit is black and the side fishnet design on the pants is nice otherwise it is boring. They talk about stripping the girls but it is not shown in any form. Chastity’s sexuality as well is not shown off at all. She is just some half-vampire, half-human killer/actress want to be.
The original version of Chastity from Chaos! Comics was done way better. She was a cute little vampire who you knew was deadly.
This issue flies by so its done just as you start to get into it. More needed to happen and it needed to be shown better. For a comic about vampires, it would have been nice to see a neck being bit. It would also have been nice to see more blood as there is almost none.
This take on the character is definitely lacking.

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