Title: Chasing Hitler # 4
Publisher: Red 5 Comics
Created by: Hatley Nitz
Writers: Jai & Hayley Nitz
Art: Jethro Morales
Colors: Marie Enger
Letters: Chris Crank
Cover: Phil Hester
Price: $ 3.95 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.red5comics.com
Comments: The Majors meet Anna a well-built woman in a bar.
Major Conner Walsh and Anna try to get some information on Hitler. Things go to hell in a handbasket real quick. These two are tough though and make it through if a bit wet from the experience.
The story is told in a realistic way as well as the art presenting itself as what you would expect in real life. The Majors and Anna working together set up a plan to meet with some Nazi’s. All hell breaks out here.
Major Taylor gets a chance to continue the chase. This is the last issue for now but it is set up to continue. Yes, the Major will be getting some help in the future. Hitler meanwhile well he is free and continues his plans to bring forth a new Reich.