Title: Charred Remains # 3
Published by: Mad Cave Studios
Writer: Anthony Cleveland
Artist: Andrea Mutti
Cover Artist: Maan House
Letterer: Taylor Esposito
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
Website: www.madcavestudios.com
Comments: Amy is still thinking and dreaming about the fire demon.
Multiple fires are going on and the fire department is responding. The scenes of fire do show that they are dangerous.
Jade this girl who we have no idea who she is is going into the fire. Why? To burn herself but again why?
Vic a firefighter while fighting a fire comes across a scene it is one of a frightening situation.
The story explains nothing about this fire demon if that is what he is. Why is he doing what he is doing, who or what is he? What does the old-style lantern have to do with him?
Amy is just a girl chasing after her family’s killer. She just follows fires in the hopes of seeing him. If she does what does she plan to do? She has no plan.
This story needs a focus. Yes, the fire scenes are good and they deliver on showing just how bad fires can be.