Title: Charmer # 1
Publisher: Pond Scum Comics
Writer: Bill Williams
Line Art: Ricardo Silva
Color Art: Natalia Marques
Word Art: Thom Zahler
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.ratsandcrowspublishing.com , https://www.facebook.com/PondScumComics/
Comments: A woman all alone in the country is approached by two men. They are drawn in a fight as the men try to grab her. This young woman is violent.
She does go with the men. Samantha Jean Wyrick is drawn in some lovely art. The one pin-up style page with her holding an axe is gorgeously done.
The art that is not close up is vague. There are mistakes in the art as well such as Samantha having one all white eye.
As the story progresses you will see magic is in the air. We are treated to an interesting story about a coin.
The background on Samantha needs to be filled in more. Maybe in the coming issues it will be.
Samantha’s character is portrayed as a tough woman who stands up to anyone. She is also loyal to those who deserve it such as her familiar. The cat is a nice touch to the comic.
The action does start here and more is action and violence will be coming in future issues. The action ad violence being delivered by one butt kicking beautiful woman with magic in her.